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Letters to the Editor

Jan 09, 2024Jan 09, 2024

27th District needs a full-time leader

The 27th District deserves better.

The other day I was watching a sporting event. Many people were not going to win, but they finished eighteen holes anyways. I watched a baseball game (blowout) but they still played all nine innings.

But in politics, Brian Boquist and many like him refuse to.

They claim they are protesting, they claim measure 113 doesn't apply to them, it violates their freedom of speech. They play victim. They play victim to justify their juvenile behavior and political positing games at the expense of the majority.

We can have better representation that gets points across, that can negotiate were nobody wins or loses but all gain. It starts with becoming responsible. Let's pick better leaders next time.

Troy Prouty


Stamp Out Hunger a success

I would like to extend my deepest thanks and appreciation to the following individuals and organizations that helped during the National Association of Letter Carriers "Stamp Out Hunger" Food Drive that took place on May 13: The Dallas Food Bank, Dallas Church, The Dallas Rotary Club, Eddie Person Nelson - Dallas Food Bank Manager, John McMillan (retired letter carrier), Shelley McGillem (retired letter carrier), Ben Bauman - Pastor of Dallas Church, Dallas Domino's Pizza and Dallas Pizza Hut.

Also thank you to all of the volunteers who scoured the Dallas neighborhoods collecting food donations. All of your hard work, donations of time and food to feed our volunteers made our food drive a success! We took in a total of 1,586 pounds of food to help families in need.

Bill Cassell

Food Drive Coordinator, NALC Branch 347

Dallas Post Office

Homeless answser lies within Christianity

This is religion that is blameless.

Personally give shelter to the homeless. As you find a need, invite them to live with you until they have resources to house themselves. They will then perpetuate what you have taught them.

Care for widows in their old age. Protect them from distress, ensuring safety in their home and surroundings and do not knowingly diminish the value of their property.

Suffer the children to come unto Jesus. Do not invite them to a place that is devoid of privacy, security and an out-of-doors space to explore.

Kris Dalton


When will people killing people stop?

I can't help but wonder if our state and national legislatures will ever get smart and pass laws to tighten laws regarding gun control. Through May, 2023, there have been approximately 272 mass shootings resulting in approximately 351 deaths, including one unborn child, and wounding approximately 1,032. Over Memorial Day weekend alone, about 175 people were shot and killed.

Then we have the Oregon GOP Senators walking out, because they don't want to discuss, among other issues, gun safety. Have they forgotten about the 1998 Thurston High School shooting where two students were killed? Or the 2015 Umpqua Community College shooting where an assistant professor and eight students were killed? Don't the lives of the state's students mean anything to them?

Nobody, I repeat, nobody has said guns would be taken away. This "fake news" that weapons will be taken has been spread for years, and it's just not true. With over 80% of Americans in favor of tighter gun laws, when will legislatures start listening to the people who elect them. Maybe they need to be voted out of office. Or how much money does the NRA have to pump into the Republican Party to keep this from happening?

And I’m still waiting for someone to tell me why in the hell semi-automatic and other weapons of war are needed. Perhaps no one has the answer.

Clifford Brown


Parable of water park

Parable of the water park.

Definition of parable: - A simple story to illustrate a moral or spiritual lesson.

Everyman Church had a large lot adjacent to their church. A company in a neighboring city approached the church about erecting a water park on the lot. It would be built to serve the local people and also people in nearby cities. The company offered the church $5,000 a month rent to use their land.

The church board got together to discuss the proposal. It sounds like a good idea, said some. Our city could really use something like this, said others. I’m not so sure that it's a good idea, said a few. What would the neighbors think about a water park? It would certainly chang things around here!

The pastor and the church board decided that the right thing to do would be to have some friendly chats with the neighbors. Of course we would want the neighbors to be in favor of this idea, they all said. It's important to us to have good relationships with our neighbors. Maybe some of the neighbors would eventually want to come to our church. That would be great!

Interestingly, the pastor and the board members did not live in the neighborhood of the church. Most of them lived quite a ways away and some lived in different cities.

Most of the neighbors did not like the idea. They thought another location would be better. Many were even vehemently opposed to the water park.

The pastor and the board members got back together to report their findings. The consensus was that at first it seemed like a good idea. But after many difficult conversations they decided NOT to go forward with this plan. The board would try to work with the company who originally approached them to find a more suitable location.

Julie Glogau


Signs of worry

After reading the article "Signs of Trouble..." (May 31) all I can say is: Don't we have a lot more important problems to be "troubled" over. Do we really need to harass struggling small business owners over the shape or style of a sign?

Ann Simmons


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